The Struggle of Being Disabled in Law School


Discrimination and bullying of disabled students is rampant in colleges and universities. Now that I have a full year of law school under my belt since being diagnosed with a rare disease and three other chronic conditions, I connect with those who have had similar experiences. I refuse to be silent about “administrators” who torment students with invisible disabilities because they are ignorant. It is obvious that they disregard the Americans With Disabilities Act and university policies with their outrageous and targeted discriminatory behavior. It is an epidemic for the largest minority in the United States. Continue reading

ITP and GMOs

There is a lot of controversy surrounding Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and their impact on our health. In the months leading up to being diagnosed with ITP, I was eating an entirely organic diet. Since my disease was triggered by toxic chemical exposure, the food I was eating did little to keep ITP away. Now that I have a chronic illness, my choices in food have changed dramatically. Don’t let the hype from either side of the aisle sway you too much, just look at the basic facts. You never know if this could be making your disease worse!

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Rare Disease and Chronic Illness – How to React to Ignorance


Let’s be honest, we have all heard people say things that make us want to punch a wall. I can recall a few situations in particular where I am not exactly sure how I kept my cool. Especially during the times I was experiencing roid rage. But how do you respond in these situations? I look at them as a chance to educate the ignorant.  Continue reading

Caregivers Guide To Rare Diseases


Besides a lack of information for rare disease patients, caregivers of those Rare Warriors have even less guidence. I remember leaving the hospital, no one gave any advice to my parents on what to do with me. You know what that created? A giant, nasty monster! All of the sudden my life was controlled down to the minute, I became “bubble girl” and their fear got the best of them. That awful experience inspired this post. As someone with a rare disease, I want to tell you that there are things you CANNOT control. It takes time to accept that, and when you do everyone will benefit.  Continue reading

What “Being Rare” Has Taught Me

Two weeks before diagnosis.

Two weeks before diagnosis.

They say ignorance is bliss, and I would have to agree. In the weeks leading up to my hospitalization and being diagnosed with a rare disease, the last thing I thought about was anything health related. I was more focused on work and the daily stresses of life. Then when my world came crashing down, my focus was forced to shift. All of the sudden, I had to live day by day. I was no longer working for the weekend (be honest, you started singing that song in your head), the things that take up my time had to be carefully considered. These last 7 1/2 months have given me some interesting lessons. Continue reading