Chronic Illness Gift Guide 2015


Since being diagnosed with fibromyalgia right before my birthday, conserving spoons has become a priority. About this time last year, I wrote a gift guide for prednisone. Now I want to compile a list of gift ideas for people who suffer from chronic illnesses and fatigue. These gifts will help out that spoonie in your life!  Continue reading

What “Being Rare” Has Taught Me

Two weeks before diagnosis.

Two weeks before diagnosis.

They say ignorance is bliss, and I would have to agree. In the weeks leading up to my hospitalization and being diagnosed with a rare disease, the last thing I thought about was anything health related. I was more focused on work and the daily stresses of life. Then when my world came crashing down, my focus was forced to shift. All of the sudden, I had to live day by day. I was no longer working for the weekend (be honest, you started singing that song in your head), the things that take up my time had to be carefully considered. These last 7 1/2 months have given me some interesting lessons. Continue reading